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Author(s): Mendes, Ana Paula Coutinho
Title: Katherine Vaz e a reinscrição de Mariana Alcoforado na História Literária
Publisher: Porto : Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Letras
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: This essay on Mariana – the book written by Katherine Vaz, a Luso-American novelist, based on the life of Mariana Alcoforado, and also a rereading of the well-known Portuguese Letters – attempts not only to unveil the net of relationships which may be established between this novel and other fictional works on the same character, written by women in Portugal during the twentieth century, but also to equate its several ways of revising traditional historiography, thus functioning as an example of what one might call "an ex-centric literature", to borrow Linda Hutcheon's formulation.
Subject: Literatura comparada
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Article/Chapter/Supplement: Estudos em homenagem a Margarida Llosa, 2006, p. 293-308
Document Type: Capítulo ou Parte de Livro
Rights: openAccess
Appears in Collections:FLUP - Capítulo ou Parte de Livro

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